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The MLCC is an all-volunteer organization that informs, serves, and advocates for the residents and businesses of Mt. Lookout, Cincinnati. Founded in 1906, it is the oldest continually operated civic organization in the State of Ohio. 

Native Plants & Pollinator Garden

The Native Plants & Pollinator Garden is an MLCC initiative that seeks to beautify the Square, provide a pleasant place to hang out, and support pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds in our area.

News From the Garden: Winter 2025

As you may know by now, we leave the native plants standing through the winter to provide visual interest AND more importantly, wildlife habitat. Hopefully you have noticed the cool seed heads and the extraordinary red stems of our dogwood shrubs.

While the garden sleeps, I am busy researching and planning the upgrades we plan to make to the plantings in our parking island.  They are going to have to survive our summers with minimal extra water as there is no tap in the island.  Wish me luck!!

---Laura Groenke, MLCC board member

News From the Garden: Fall 2024

 Much of the garden is finished blooming.  Right now you will see the stiff goldenrod blooming and the New England Asters are just starting.   These are 2 late blooming things that provide a late source of food for the bees before they hibernate for the winter.  You may notice that we have left many of the "past bloom" seed heads in place.  While this may seem "messy", part of our purpose here is to provide a biodiverse habitat.  See below the picture of the gold finches that are seen regularly down there, who just love the seeds of the coneflowers.   

 While discussing our plant choices with a neighbor, she asked, "isn't milkweed a weed?"  Well, interesting question!  It certainly isn't a very showy flower but I'm pretty sure most people LOVE to see the Monarch butterflies.  While you may see monarchs in your garden, they NEED milkweed to lay their eggs on.  Just this morning a milkweed caterpillar was seen in our community garden.   I'm calling that a success!

We gardeners like to call plants that spring up (without being planted) volunteers.   In our garden, we have plenty of black eyed susan, new england aster, ashy sunflower and medusa allium that we would love to share with interested neighbors.   We are happy to share.   Right now is a great time to plant perennials if you can keep them watered until they get established.  They can spend the next month or two getting their roots going and be ready to produce next year.   Many times perennials don't flower the first year you plant them as they need to get their roots going.  Email me - Laura Groenke - if you are interested.

---Laura Groenke, MLCC board member

More information about our Goals:

Click on the websites below to learn all about Mt Lookout's pollinator garden, and much more exciting information.

The tired barberries have been removed in preparation of refreshing the plantings in the parking island.  Join our community by volunteering to help plant in the spring!  Email


 l a y e r

From our garden 9/9/23

Pollinator/Host Plant Relationships:

Selecting Plants for Butterfly Eggs

Butterfly Host Plants

Would you like to donate to the growth and maintenance of the Native Pollinator Garden on the Square? Please fill out the donation form below and note "Garden" in the comment box.

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Mt. Lookout Community Council

PO Box 8444

Cincinnati, OH 45208

Telephone: (513) 400 - 5185


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