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The MLCC is an all-volunteer organization that informs, serves, and advocates for the residents and businesses of Mt. Lookout, Cincinnati. Founded in 1906, it is the oldest continually operated civic organization in the State of Ohio. 


Big changes could be coming to Mt. Lookout, particularly if you live in the area highlighted in light blue or dark blue on this map:

The City of Cincinnati has just released a draft of the Connected Communities legislation.

Find it HERE.

Please review the draft legislation and email your feedback on the legislation to the Mayor and City Council using the contact information below.

Just as important, keep the MLCC informed of your feedback to the City, so we can plan to appropriately advocate for Mt. Lookout.

But most important: attend the live meetings that the City has announced and express your position to them directly - it is extremely important for Council to hear from their constituents.

You can register for the Connected Communities-related meetings HERE.

  • April 25: Public Staff Conference #1 @ 5:30pm. The purpose of this meeting is to gather public comment to be used in staff's report to the City Planning Commission. No decisions will be made.

Zoom | Register here:

  • April 30: Public Staff Conference #2 @ 12:00pm. The purpose of this meeting is to gather public comment to be used in staff's report to the City Planning Commission. No decisions will be made.

Zoom | Register here:

  • May 17: City Planning Commission (CPC) Meeting @ 9:00am.

In person at City Hall Council Chambers and over Zoom

Zoom | must register here no less than 48 hours in advance:

If you would just like to watch and not speak, please watch live on CitiCable:

  • Most importantly, email Mayor Pureval and Cincinnati City Council your feedback on the policy proposals.

Contact your City Council members:

Contact your Mayor:

We need your feedback and questions.  Please write to

Mt. Lookout Community Council

PO Box 8444

Cincinnati, OH 45208

Telephone: (513) 400 - 5185


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